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Selectmen & BAC Minutes 11/28/2006

November 28, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, Stephen White, William Roach, Richard Leone and Frederick Gallup.  Town Manager, Donna Nashawaty.  Budget Advisory Committee members Charlie Balyeat, Scott Unsworth, Arthur Muller and Stephen Nilsen.

ABSENT:  Mike Snow

OTHERS:  Ron Michaud, Barbara Brill, Greg Vigue, Terry LeBlanc, Tina Naime, Kent Wheeler, Dawn Raney, Monique Malanga, Brenda Burns, Nancy Freeze, Jean LaChance, John Walden and John Mapley.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Emma Smith at 6:00 PM.

West Central Behavioral Health

Ron Michaud was present to discuss the budget request.  He explained that his agency serviced the citizens with therapy sessions, counseling for depression, anxiety, addictions, and family issues.  His service also supplies emergency services that are available 24 hours.  R. Michaud explained that West Central also provides transportation and car repair as well.  Stephen White asked if West Central approached churches for assistance as well as communities.  Richard Leone suggested that West Central approach the legislature to obtain assistance.  Ron Michaud expressed his appreciation for the assistance Sunapee has given in the past.  

Library Budget

John Walden, Librarian and John Mapley, Trustee, were present to discuss the request.  John Walden presented the Boards with an information packet on what is provided by the library.  A copy of the packet is attached to the file copy of the minutes.  Donna Nashawaty informed the Boards that again, wages are based on the COLA increase.  John Walden stated that the largest increase in the budget was to increase the position of Children’s Librarian from part time (32 hours per week) to full time (40 hours per week).  The increase would show not only in salaries but in benefits as well, such as health insurance and retirement.  J. Walden explained that the Children’s Librarian is a liaison with the schools, is responsible for the newsletter Book Nibbles, a reading program and she assists parents and children to find appropriate books.  She is in charge of the book displays.  He stated that having a full time Children’s Librarian would be a big plus in the children’s department.  She also provides enrichment in the after school program with

Board of Selectmen & BAC
November 28, 2006

snacks, games and homework assistance.  J. Walden explained that there seems to be a misconception with the after school program.  They do have 64 children enlisted but these children are not coming 5 days per week.  Each child attends 2 hours per week.   
There is no charge for the program.  The library receives some funding toward this.  John Walden explained that the school offers a daily after school service as well.   There is a charge for this service.  Stephen White stated that he feels that the after school program is good for the children in the community, but the town has to balance what it can do.  Richard Leone stated that he appreciated J. Walden’s passion for his position, but the town has to be realistic and the increase needs some thought.    D. Nashawaty explained the increase in the salary line item and insurance benefits.  The line item shows what may be expected for a total cost, although one full time employee does not receive the health benefits by choice at this time.  The line item shows what may be expected for a total cost with three full time employees receiving health benefits.  Arthur Muller questioned the funds for a copier.  J. Walden explained that the library would like to lease a color copier at  $200 per month.  Charlie Balyeat stated that he would like to review the library later after looking at the total request of all departments.  Emma Smith agreed saying she would like to review the packet presented by John Walden.  Stephen White complimented J. Walden on what the library is providing as a service to the community.  Richard Leone asked if the library might be able to work closely with the schools on programs.  John Walden stated  the library and schools do try to work on certain things, but that the library is not intended to be an extension of the school system.  Arthur Muller asked for an update on the construction of a new library.  John Mapley stated that the trustees do have enough money to begin construction.  The library would be smaller than previously proposed, but the blue print allows for expansion.  Emma Smith suggested that the library trustees request assistance from the Gates Foundation.  

Community Alliance of Human Services

Barbara Brill and Greg Vigue were present to discuss the proposal.  Greg Vigue is Sunapee’s Welfare Director, under contract with Community Alliance with the Town of Sunapee.  Community Alliance is requesting level funding from 2006 in the amount of $16,000.00.  Barbara Brill explained that the Alliance has been servicing Sunapee for the past 4 years.  A decrease of 7.5%  of welfare services provided by the Alliance for Sunapee has been seen over the past year.  B. Brill attributed this to Greg Vigue.  G. Vigue is in the Sunapee Town Office one morning per week, but does a lot of services for the town while he is in the Newport office.  The Alliance currently serves three towns; Sunapee, Lempster and Charlestown.  Stephen White congratulated the Alliance, and Greg, for the services provided to Sunapee.  Donna Nashawaty explained how Greg steers applicants to other forms of assistance and attributes this action to the decrease in the funds Sunapee has expended.  

Board of Selectmen & BAC
November 28, 2006

New London Ambulance

Terry LeBlanc, Tina Naime and Kent Wheeler were present to discuss the budget proposal.  Terri LeBlanc began by explaining the loss that the service has to take each year.  When the ambulance is called out, approximately 1/3 of the calls are non-billable.  
These are when the people involved do not wish to be transported and the ambulance is turned away.  The response still costs the service.  The service shares this loss with communities that contract New London Ambulance.  T. LeBlanc explained that a new ambulance is proposed to be purchased in 2007.  The current ambulances are one 1997 and one 2000.  The 1997 will be taken out of service as an emergency response vehicle.  Scott Unsworth noted that both the New London and Newport ambulances are used and asked how they were chosen when responding to a call.  It was explained that it was geographically based.  Also, it depended on which service was available.  An ambulance may respond from Newport if the New London ambulances are busy.  Arthur Muller questioned what the fast squad did vs. an ambulance service.  Fred Gallup explained that a fast squad responded only to stabilize the patient.  A fast squad is not authorized to transport a patient.

Southwest Community Services

Dawn Raney, Coordinator, was present to explain the functions of Southwest Community Services.  She stated that the agency is a human services agency which offers a variety of programs for children to adults.  They assist with making homes more energy efficient, rehabilitation of existing homes, and are involved in assisting with the flood victims from the recent floods.  Southwest Community also assists in the construction of housing complexes.  D. Raney explained that Southwest is currently working on grants and are now in the process of constructing a 24 unit elderly housing complex on Meadow Road in Newport.  Southwest also assists individuals with heath issues and nutrition.  They play a big part in the Head Start program and provide job training as well.  Donna Nashawaty asked what the Health Insurance Counseling line item was for.  She felt it seemed considerably high.  D. Raney responded that ten households were served in Sunapee and they provided a lot of assistance with helping the elderly with the new Medicare D program.  She did agree that the figure looked high and said she would look into it.  

Board of  Selectmen & BAC
November 28, 2006

Lake Sunapee Regional Visiting Nurse Association

Monique Malanga was present to represent the association.  She presented the Boards with a packet which explained the services provided by the LSRVNA.  They provide assistance from pediatrics to the elderly.  They run the Hospice program and put on flu clinics throughout the county.  The LSRVNA have leveled funded their budget request.  It is the same as in 2006 at the rate of $2.63 per capita.  The association is facing challenges as any other business such as the high cost of benefits for employees.  They have found that the elderly population is increasing and unfortunately are seeing a shortage of nurses.  Richard Leone asked if they have spoken with their legislatures.  M. Malanga responded that they have and have invited these individuals to go on home service visits with them.  R. Leone asked if the association provided all night care when
needed.  M. Malanga responded that they did.  She reported that the association was fortunate enough to receive $400,000.00 in donations during 2006.

Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Council

Donna Nashawaty explained that no one from the council responded to the request to attend the meeting.  She did receive a written request from the council and it is the same amount as was requested for 2006., $3,361.00.   D. Nashawaty stated that she believes this item should appear as part of the Planning and Zoning budget and not as part of the general operating budget like it is now.

Sullivan Nutrition

Brenda Burns was present to  represent Sullivan Nutrition.  Their service provides at home meals to those that are house bound.  When the meals are delivered, the driver checks on the individual to see if they are okay.  If they think something may be remiss, they will notify the family of the individual.  B. Burns distributed the newsletter that is delivered each month to their clients.  They delivered over 3,500 meals in Sunapee this year to date.  All the meals are prepared at the Newport Senior Center.

Kearsarge Council on Aging

Nancy Freeze and Jean LaChance were present from the council.  N. Freeze distributed newsletters and brochures explaining the services they offer.  The council is changing their name to Chapin Senior Center.  There are 2,400 members on the council.  The council has one full time employee and one part time employee and they have 212 volunteers.  N. Freeze explained that a big part of the services they provide is transportation.  They currently have 137 volunteer drivers who receive no pay, not even gas reimbursement.  Eight to ten of the drivers are from Sunapee.  Most of the trips are to hospitals or doctors appointments.  They do not receive any state or federal funds.  They do receive some donations and grants.
Board of Selectmen & BAC
November 28, 2006

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse            Approved________________________

Emma Smith, Chairman                    Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

William Roach                           Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup